Grande Cascade
I've done it! And it was wonderful! My good friend Marcel, the Maitre D', was there too. I have regular meeting with him at our local, after work, bar, Le Rival on Avenue George V. He's a cool guy, very professional and yet he can put you at ease in his restaurant. Not that I need that myself being accustomed to this kind of place but sometimes people might feel out of place in such a restaurant. It's not every day you go to a gastronomic restaurant for dinner.
I'll copy the menu of what we had yesterday;; Sorry it's in French, just can't be bothered to translate it. For those who understand nothing of that magnificient language, well just look at the pictures!
We had a little testing menu made especially for us and we drank a lot of wine. 2 bottles in total plus the Whiskey and a glass of sweet dessert wine. Thinking of it, that was a lot to drink and I still can't remember which road we took to come back to our place! Since I'm here in front of the computer, I guess I did pretty good (still have to check the car though...)
Here's the menu :
Amuse bouche
Crème d'avocat et chair de tourteau au caviar d'aquitaine, lait d'amandes fraîches
Cabillaud cuit au naturel, girolles et jambon serrano, jus de volaille perlé
Macaroni aux truffes noires, foie gras et celeri, réduction au vieux porto
Suprême de pigeonneau rôti, haricots tarbais au romarin, jus naturel
Chariots de fromages affinés
Déclinaison de gourmandises
Best thing is that we were seated outside on the terrace! It was like a dream.
After al that food I think I'm gonna be on a serious diet all day. I've been eating fruit and drinking green tea since I woke up! I probably go to the swimming pool and try to do as good as the last time. I went with Uta, my girlfriend, and whilst she did 2500 meters, I did 2000 meters non stop. Being a former East German, she knows how to swim! Thankfully she doesn't look like Schwartzenegger! I was quite pleased with myself to do that much.
I'll copy the menu of what we had yesterday;; Sorry it's in French, just can't be bothered to translate it. For those who understand nothing of that magnificient language, well just look at the pictures!
We had a little testing menu made especially for us and we drank a lot of wine. 2 bottles in total plus the Whiskey and a glass of sweet dessert wine. Thinking of it, that was a lot to drink and I still can't remember which road we took to come back to our place! Since I'm here in front of the computer, I guess I did pretty good (still have to check the car though...)
Here's the menu :
Amuse bouche
Crème d'avocat et chair de tourteau au caviar d'aquitaine, lait d'amandes fraîches
Cabillaud cuit au naturel, girolles et jambon serrano, jus de volaille perlé
Macaroni aux truffes noires, foie gras et celeri, réduction au vieux porto
Suprême de pigeonneau rôti, haricots tarbais au romarin, jus naturel
Chariots de fromages affinés
Déclinaison de gourmandises
Best thing is that we were seated outside on the terrace! It was like a dream.
After al that food I think I'm gonna be on a serious diet all day. I've been eating fruit and drinking green tea since I woke up! I probably go to the swimming pool and try to do as good as the last time. I went with Uta, my girlfriend, and whilst she did 2500 meters, I did 2000 meters non stop. Being a former East German, she knows how to swim! Thankfully she doesn't look like Schwartzenegger! I was quite pleased with myself to do that much.