Monday, February 27, 2006


Since yesterday afternoon, I am officially sick. I caught a cold and my throat feels like I swallowed a bunch of needles! Not a pretty feeling. I hate being sick, it makes me feel useless because everything you do tires you and you feel miserable! My diet of the day has been essentially made of green tea. This one is "Jardin Vert" from Hédiard, a lovely mix, very floral.
Almost 3 weeks ago, we went to the opera to see Don Giovanni. We were a bit disappointed because the staging was modern and, quite simply, it didn't fit with the place. Imagine Don Giovanni dressed in a suit and tie and wandering about a building. The best part was when the people he mistreated got their revenge and were wearing Minnie Mouse masks! What the f#&k! Did the stage director had some business with the nearest Disney store? Anyway, that was our first experience there and the place is just wonderful, so much to see in that building, from the main celling painted by Chagall to the paintings in one of those salons.Even the small details are work of art like this window handle.Back to more common ground, take a look at that, my car clocked 166,666 Km the other day. I'm going tomorrow to the garage to have the exhaust silencer changed because it makes so much noise it doesn't deserve to be called silencer anymore! I still haven't sold the car and it starting to piss me off because I want to buy a new one really soon. If anybody is interested...

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Short night

Then He came and with Him an awful lot of suitcases. I think they're having a contest between themselves as to know who is going to have the heaviest bag! Bloody hell some of them must have weighted 40 kilos at least! I shouldn't have gone to the gym in the afternoon, because I had a hardcore session there. We received the bags around 3am and I was home by almost 6am! It took us about 2 hours to sort them out. Great shift for a guy who was supposed to finish at 2am. Everybody that stayed was knackered to! I am dead tired today but I have a little thought for my colleagues from Housekeeping who stayed a great deal longer than us to unpack all those bags! And this what I look like this morning, or this afternoon since it's 4pm and I have to get ready to go to work!
Austen, mate, I like your new blog design. Here to the new Blogmeister :
Austen President!!

Waiting for the Prince

Here I am at work waiting for His Royal Highness to come. We will have around 250 pieces of luggage to deal within the shortest period of time! The Prince doesn't wait! I'll be better off to the Rival having a Vodka and Coke.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Flower power!

I'm so bored at work during night shift that I just go around the lobby taking pictures of flowers. How sad is this?

Last saturday I went to Doobie's for a leaving/birthday party of some of the girls Uta works with. I must say that the food was terrible. The "mille-feuille" mozzarella-tomato was probably the only thing good, although you can't really go wrong with this kind of dish.The fish was over-cooked and dry.I didn't get the chance to test the dessert because I had to go to work. Don't you love it when you start getting in the mood for partying and you have to leave for stupid night-shift?I went to Chiberta on tuesday for Uta's birthday and it was excellent. Sorry I didn't get my camera so no pictures this time. Next restaurant I want to try is Drouant. Maybe next week.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Vegetable delight!

As said yesterday, I tried the Guy Savoy recipe for Provençal style gratin. It's very easy to make. Firstly, you have to cut 2 onions and cook them in a pan for about 15 minutes.Then, you lay down the onions on the bottom of the dish and cover them with slices of courgette, tomato and aubergine. You top it off with thyme and olive oil. Stick that in the oven for about 40 minutes and voilà :
Was it good? Well I think the picture speaks for itself! It was excellent! Thanks to Austen and Guy Savoy for cheering up Uta, who was a bit down last night.