Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Last month I had the unfortunate chance to find my car window looking like this
It happened in my garage and after talking to the people where I live, 13 other cars had encountered the same fate. It appears that the low life bunch of track suit owner were looking for this electronic device called GPS. Unfortunately for them I do not own such a useless thing.
I have noticed for a while now that it seems everybody, or at least 1 out of 2 cars, has one. I mean do you really need this thing when you're going to work? Is it just in case the place where you work changes place overnight? What I really don't understand is to see those GPS on a car which is worth less than the actual device itself! And I mean real piece of shit cars such as 90's Ford Fiesta or R5. Does it add value to the car? I don't think so. GPS is good for people who travels a lot like salesmen but is it really needed when you do the same journey every day? I guess it is one of those thing you have to have if you're driving. One thing is for sure : it does not improve your driving skills a bit. How are you suppose to be aware of what's going own in your surroundings when you're driving if you keep looking on you GPS to find out that yes this the right road?
I had an experience with a GPS in Germany last christmas. It was useful until I came into town looking for my step parents' place. It made my turn right, then left, then it told me to go forward. The only thing was that it made me take a pedestrian path and in front of the car stood 2 pillars! I had to go back on the main road and it kept telling me to do a U-turn. Eventually it got around my will not to go with its direction and found, after a good 15 minutes, another way.
I say that nothing beats the old paper map. Michelin maps rules!


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