Thursday, February 23, 2006

Short night

Then He came and with Him an awful lot of suitcases. I think they're having a contest between themselves as to know who is going to have the heaviest bag! Bloody hell some of them must have weighted 40 kilos at least! I shouldn't have gone to the gym in the afternoon, because I had a hardcore session there. We received the bags around 3am and I was home by almost 6am! It took us about 2 hours to sort them out. Great shift for a guy who was supposed to finish at 2am. Everybody that stayed was knackered to! I am dead tired today but I have a little thought for my colleagues from Housekeeping who stayed a great deal longer than us to unpack all those bags! And this what I look like this morning, or this afternoon since it's 4pm and I have to get ready to go to work!
Austen, mate, I like your new blog design. Here to the new Blogmeister :
Austen President!!


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