Back to pedestrian life
On wednesday, I'll be becoming a pedestrian with all the fun things that go with it. Getting soaked on my way to the subway by heavy rain that chooses exactly the time when you're out of reach of an umbrella to start falling. Having to rush after work on pm shift to catch the subway before it stops running. Being held hostage by union people who decide to go on strike whenever they want an extra day off. Getting mugged and so on and so on...
Good thing is if I don't get mugged I'll be using my newly acquired I-pod and read all this books I bought long time ago. I like reading but I hardly find the time to open a book lately.
I was considering the possibility of renting a car whilst my car is being serviced but eh! if I can have a little fun riding the subway...
The car has got a lot of work to be done on it. 160 000 Km is starting to be a lot for a petrol engine. Transmission belt is making very strange noise, front brake discs are worn out according to the MOT guy and I couldn't agree more with that. I almost ran into a car that pulled in front of me the other day because of the brakes. I think I'll do the work that needs to be done on the car and sell it. I checked the ads on internet and found the same car with a lot less mileage and a V6 for 13 000 €. The price of second hand car running on petrol is going down faster than the diesel ones, especially big engine. With the price of petrol these days, people are very wary of spending to much in their car. As I don't care, because I think that driving should be fun, no matter the cost, I'm quite happy to see that I can score a V6 for the price of a small new car!
I still need to speak to my bank manager about a little loan to buy the car.
On our holidays, we got to be pedestrians a few times. And see what you get when your in Sequoia National Park when the sun is just rising. Just beautiful.

It's not the fog it's that: Hell and heaven in the same picture!

That's what they called a prescribed fire. It's supposed to clean the forest and bring life to it too. They should come and see in Corsica every summer how fire is cleaning the forest! There's none left! Funny thing is, eventhough it was a "prescribed fire", it was getting out off hand and after a little while we saw the fire fighters coming to stop it! You should have seen the american tourists there taking the piss at them.
Good thing is if I don't get mugged I'll be using my newly acquired I-pod and read all this books I bought long time ago. I like reading but I hardly find the time to open a book lately.
I was considering the possibility of renting a car whilst my car is being serviced but eh! if I can have a little fun riding the subway...
The car has got a lot of work to be done on it. 160 000 Km is starting to be a lot for a petrol engine. Transmission belt is making very strange noise, front brake discs are worn out according to the MOT guy and I couldn't agree more with that. I almost ran into a car that pulled in front of me the other day because of the brakes. I think I'll do the work that needs to be done on the car and sell it. I checked the ads on internet and found the same car with a lot less mileage and a V6 for 13 000 €. The price of second hand car running on petrol is going down faster than the diesel ones, especially big engine. With the price of petrol these days, people are very wary of spending to much in their car. As I don't care, because I think that driving should be fun, no matter the cost, I'm quite happy to see that I can score a V6 for the price of a small new car!
I still need to speak to my bank manager about a little loan to buy the car.
On our holidays, we got to be pedestrians a few times. And see what you get when your in Sequoia National Park when the sun is just rising. Just beautiful.

It's not the fog it's that: Hell and heaven in the same picture!

That's what they called a prescribed fire. It's supposed to clean the forest and bring life to it too. They should come and see in Corsica every summer how fire is cleaning the forest! There's none left! Funny thing is, eventhough it was a "prescribed fire", it was getting out off hand and after a little while we saw the fire fighters coming to stop it! You should have seen the american tourists there taking the piss at them.