Wednesday, October 19, 2005


I found the breakfast in the States very interesting. I, sometimes, fancy something salty in the morning, like steak or cheese. I must say that I found the bacon and eggs very addictive and would it be not for my health I would have had that kind of breakfast every morning! A complete meal with a salty start and a sweet finish with the pancakes. I love those pancakes too and maple syrup! They're nothing compare to the feeble attempt made by McDonald's in France to show us what a pancake is. For one they're enormous. They're about 3 times bigger than the McDo's ones. Maple syrup is much better too. We had to buy a pancake mix and maple syrup to make them at home. So far we've resisted the temptation to make some just by pure lazyness! A breakfast like this brings you through the morning no problem. Thing is, if you're American, you probably will need a snack break around 10am to be able to stay full until lunch! The only healthy attempt we had, was at the Four seasons Las Vegas by the pool on a glorious morning. We indulged ourselves to a fruit plate and a raspberry smoothie. Just nice!

My first breakfast in L.A

Going healthy by the pool (don't want to look anything near all those fat people seating by the pool!)

In Death Valley, you sure won't die of starvation

Last breakfast before heading back to France. I know it's enormous but that was our last one so...


Blogger Austen said...

Bill Gates doesn't eat breakfast, matey. Oh, and it's maple syrup, by the way.


3:15 am  
Blogger Christophe said...

Cheers Austen for correcting me. I thought I knew how to spell maple. What's it got to do with Bill Gates by the way. Is this the explanation of his wealth...

12:21 pm  

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