Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Thai Spices

Yesterday off. Not really willing to shop for food. Uta came back home from work with a brilliant idea : "let's go to a restaurant. I fancy Thai or a nice bistrot" Thai it was and we were in for a treat. Tucked away on rue de l'Ave Maria in the 4th arrondissement, Thai Spices "by Wite" is a real gem in the world of pseudo Thai restaurants owned by Chinese people, cooking with the book "how to make money with every possible style of cuisine". No this is the real deal. Everything is imported from Thailand by Wite, a charming Thai who takes the time to come to your table for a chat or an explanation on a dish.
The place is quite small with a cosiness to it that puts you at ease straight away. Then menu comes and yes you want to order everything that's on it!
Uta got a green mango salad that was as tasty as it looked. Apart from that sneaky little piece of red chili, she loved it. I settled myself with Shrimps satay grilled with lemongrass. Cooked to perfection!
Then, we both had curry, Uta had red curry with grilled duck, grapes and pineapple. So good, the duck was melting in your mouth!
Beef is my thing and they had a beautiful Salers steak grilled to your liking with green curry and Thai aubergine and basil. Just perfect, the meat was so good I could have eaten a second plate! All that washed down with imported Thai beer. Nice and sweet!
Just to finish us off we had freshly cut Thai mango with sticky rice in coconut milk.
There we go, if your not already on the way to this jewel, then get your fingers out and run there! They open every day, so no excuse!