Monday, July 17, 2006

Old fashion picnic

Sometimes, it's good to make things simple. Just take a look at those pictures. It was the perfect picnic, like the ones I used to do with my parents when I was a child (long time ago since I'm getting quite old now!). It's got it all : the salad in a real Tupperware, the Nutella (what a wonderful product. Lots of use to it!) glasses, the "saucisson sec" and pikles in plastic container. The only thing we didn't have was the red wine, replaced here by farm made cider.We had a lovely evening, especially after a taugh week at work. And today I probably will go for a BBQ or something else that will involve vast quantity of alcohol and hopefully beautiful girls to look at! But first thing first, I need to burn a bit a fat so it's off to the gym!


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