Monday, December 12, 2005

A nice drive indeed!

I just came back from my mum's place and it was a nice drive back. I, again, drove a bit fast on the motorway.
Can I go faster?
Not bad, let see a bit more.
Nearly there. Oh shit that fucking van is pulling in front of me!
I wanted to get to the 200 kmh marker but a van decided otherwise. Fortunately it was not a Police van! Just a white van pulling in front of me without checking is mirror! He did put his indicator on so I was expecting him to do that, I still had to brake hard to avoid collision. I did actually hit 210 kmh on the way in but I didn't think of taking a picture. That's true that it's a bit dangerous driving with one hand on the steering wheel and the other trying to get a picture, but, hey!, where's the fun if you don't act like a complete fruitcake sometimes!
As I said on my previous post, I went to chek my parent's house and it certainly looks different. From that:To that:Good looking house I say!
Then on my way back I went to see Ludovic and Karine's baby, Aymeric, which apparently means "king in his house" in German!He's beautiful and has got more hair than me on his head! Not bad for a 5 days old baby!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

je viens de découvrir ton Blog, super ! on sait presque tout de toi maintenant - bon faut juste que je me mette à l'anglais, il y a encore quelques mots qui ne me sont pas très familiers ! du coup je suis pas sure d'avoir les bonnes infos te concernant !!
merci d'avoir parler d'Aymeric ! et merci encore pour ta visite à la maternité, c'était super sympa.

9:29 pm  

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